Sainjargal Dagiiraaz

Tax Manager and Accounting Supervisor

About Sainjargal

Mrs. Sainjargal has a decade of professional experience in auditing, accounting, and taxation services, and she has outstanding leadership skills, leading a wide range of outsourcing service teams successfully in major accounting service engagements. Her distinctive feature is wellknown by our clients that he has a great deal of in-depth knowledge and technical skills that could satisfy our client’s needs and expectations. Mrs. Sainjargal also gained an industry-specific knowledge and technical experience while she consistently worked in the various industries. This could assist her to lead her every team successfully in the Mongolian marketplace, performing a professional service that can be tailored to each client’s business and help them to achieve their major business solution. Her leading tax professionals are qualified and experienced in the Mongolian business environment, and hence highly focused on tax advisory and tax compliance needs of your business.

Services and specialisations

Qualifications and memberships

  • CPTA
  • MonCPA
  • Certified Auditor

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